Data Structures: Hash Tables

Data Structures: Hash Tables


What are Hashtables?

Hashtables are a type of data structures that stores data as key-value pairs. This means every Node or Bucket has both a key, and a value. Hashing can also be defined as a technique that is used to uniquely identify a specific object from a group of similar objects.

Hashtables Components

1. Buckets

A bucket is what is contained in each index of the array of the hashtable. Each index is a bucket. An index could potentially contain multiple key-value pairs if a collision occurs.

2. Collisions

A collision is what happens when more than one key gets hashed to the same location of the hashtable.

3. Hash

A hash is the result of some algorithm taking an incoming string and converting it into a value that could be used for either security or some other purpose. In the case of a hashtable, it is used to determine the index of the array.

  • The result (hash) is the index of the key-value pair in the hash table.


Pros & Cons of Hash Tables

  • Can hold keys of many data types as long as they're hashTable.
  • Worst case time complexity of Access, Insert, Delete or Search are O(n).
  • Hard to look for maximum and minimum values.
  • requesting a value with a given key takes O(1).
  • requesting a key from a given value takes O(n).

Internal Methods


  • send the key to the GetHash method.
  • Once you determine the index of where it should be placed, go to that index
  • Check if something exists at that index already, if it doesn’t, add it with the key/value pair.
  • If something does exist, add the new key/value pair to the data structure within that bucket.


  • The Find takes in a key, gets the Hash, and goes to the index location specified.
  • Once the index location is found in the array.
  • The algorithm iterates through the bucket and see if the key exists and return the value.


  • The Contains method will accept a key, and return a bool on if that key exists inside the hashtable.
  • The best way to do this is to have the contains call the GetHash and check the hashtable if the key exists in the table given the index returned.


  • The GetHash will accept a key as a string
  • conduct the hash.
  • Return the index of the array where the key-value should be placed.


Creating the Hashtmap class

  • Initializing an object through init method and giving it a size attribute (this size it not static you can put any size you want --> it represents the size of the list that will be created )
  • Another attribute (map) to create the list of the provided size.
class HashTable:
    def __init__(self, size = 1024):
        self.size = size = [None]*size

Hash method

  • This method takes a stirng key as an argument and returns its hashed value according to ASCII
    def hash(self, key):
        ascii_sum = 0
        for char in key:
            ascii_char = ord(char)
            ascii_sum += ascii_char

        hashed = (ascii_sum * 19) % self.size
        return hashed

Set method

  • This method sets key-value pairs at the hashed bucket (list) if it was empty or adds them as collisions if it wasn't.
  • it also updates the key value if it was passed with another value.
    def set(self, key, value):
       // return hashed value which is the index of the key
        hashed = self.hash(key)  

        if[hashed] is None:
  [hashed] = [[key, value]]

  [hashed].append([key, value])

Get method

  • This method takes a key and returns the value associated with that key in the map
    def get(self, key):
        hashed = self.hash(key)

Contains method

  • This method return True if the hashmap contains a specific key, and false if it doesn't
    def contains(self, key):
            return True

            return False

keys method

  • This method returns a new list with all keys in the hashmap
    def keys(self):
        lst = []
        for i in
            if i:
                [lst.append(index[0]) for index in i]
        return lst
