Create a new sequence/serial number 1. Go to Settings and activate the developer mode2. Choose Technical from the navigation bar and click on...
Setup npx craete-next-app --example with-tailwindcss projectname cd projectname run this yet npm install -g @sanity/cli this command allows me to...
Python · What are Hashtables? Hashtables are a type of data structures that stores data as key-value pairs. This means every Node or Bucket has both a...
React | JavaScript · Overview REDUX Redux is a pattern and a JS library that is used to manage (States) in an application project using events called...
With Tailwind CSS · Overview In this blog I am going to explain all necessary steps to create a multiple pages portfolio/website using React, Next.js and...
Step-By-Step With Python · Overview In this article I am going to walk through an array sorting algorithm called "Quick sort" in short and clear steps;...